Welcome to safelist 500 , If you are not interested in promoting your programs or receiving promotions from other members then please DO NOT join! We have limited memberships to 500 so that you will only get quality referrals and receive only one to three emails per day (unlike huge safelists that swamp your mailbox ). We have affiliations with Internetwealthonline and our goal is to provide you with quality leads and the latest programs available , we will also be putting into place competitions for cash AND referrals and will offer free membership to our forum .We believe that we can be a lot more successful than most forms of promotion and at a very low cost of \$5.00. ALL account payments will be through Virtualbank or Paypal
Sign up for VirtualBank (get $3 free International) & Paypal (get $5.00 free U.S.only) as ALL transactions will be through them.
Upon email notification we will be paying $2.50 for referrals and for a limited time $5.50 per referral (If you are a Virtualbankcard member)
*Note if you do not qualify for the free membership , then we will send you details of how to pay through Virtualbankcard or Paypal.
Once we verify your email address, we will send your ID # within 24-48hrs.